Lilylunatics paged web

a collection of queer adhd weirdness

who I am

I'm a tranfem gender disaster. Life gets overwhelming and as such quite messy. This site reflects that. It'll probably be broken in many places and standardisation might just be worse. If you want to give feedback or heck even fix stuff, go ahead it's on my github.

what I do

I really like to take things apart and want to get the most out of them in soft&hardware thats all.
Vintage apple stuff
It started with iPods, I eventually got an iMac G3, then a second one and an iBook G4. I love these generations of apple devices since they are very different from those built after 2007 when the shift to anti-repair tactics started.
even tho I don't have a race bike at the moment, I still enjoy cycling. Liking it might intersect with my ADHD, becasue walking feels just slow and boring. I also think it's one part of unfucking our transportation system.
Most days I'm running on caffeine. Apart from helping me getting any kind of work done, getting up and doing a little ritual of grinding & brewing is just nice.
I might publish my texts here sometime in the future.
hot girl shit
Welp I'm a hopelessly romantic, kinky, polyamorous Transpan.